"A Bad Woman's Story: A Translation of Buri Aurat ki Katha" is the English translation of Kishwar Naheed's groundbreaking work, originally written in Urdu. This book provides a powerful narrative...
Adab Preet Tahqeeq Tanqeed, authored by the erudite Dr. Asmat Ullah Zahid, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of literary appreciation and critique. This scholarly work embodies a...
In "Consequences Of Capitalism," Noam Chomsky and Marv Waterstone dissect the ramifications of capitalism on society, politics, and the environment. Their comprehensive analysis reveals the profound impacts of capitalist systems...
Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide 2nd Edition Critical Theory Today is the essential introduction to contemporary criticial theory. It provides clear, simple explanations and concrete examples of complex concepts, making...
Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide 3rd Edition This thoroughly updated third edition of Critical Theory Today offers an accessible introduction to contemporary critical theory, providing in-depth coverage of the most common...
In "Quick Revision English Literature Literary Theory And Criticism" by Asim Bukhari-Emporium, readers are provided with a succinct yet comprehensive overview of key concepts, theories, and critical approaches in English...
Enter the realm of English literature with confidence and finesse through "Golden MCQs and Viva Voce on English Literature" by Golden Publications. This comprehensive guide serves as a beacon for...
"Literary Theory: An Introduction" by Terry Eagleton is a significant text in the field of literary criticism, first published in 1983 and widely used in academic settings. Eagleton provides a...
In "My Seditious Heart," Arundhati Roy presents a compelling collection of her nonfiction works, offering readers an insightful and provocative exploration of politics, society, and activism. Through a series of...
"Objective English Literature and Viva Voce for Lecturer" authored by the renowned Shamsher Gondal and Iqbal Butt. This comprehensive guide is not merely a compilation of facts and figures but...
Using Critical Theory: How to Read and Write About Literature 3rd Edition Explaining both why theory is important and how to use it, Lois Tyson introduces beginning students of literature...